Monday, 18 May 2009


Well, hi and welcome to anyone who may have chanced upon this blog...this is my first attempt in earnest at blogging, so we'll see how it goes. As you've probably inferred from the title of this blog (pardon the World/Inferno and/or 9 Shocks Terror reference) I am an American (originally from Cleveland, Ohio) living in London whilst finishing my master's degree in early modern history (and hopefully well beyond that, as soon as I sort out the working visas system). My reasons for starting this blog are myriad, but most importantly: Although living abroad is something I've always wanted to do, and I didn't much like Cleveland when living there, it seems that homesickness will eventually set in regardless, particularly, cravings for American food. And while I've seen some blogs concerning this subject, it seems like most of them are written by people with money to spare, meaning they can easily afford to have things shipped in/eat out. Being a student on an extremely limited budget, I can't really do that, and bi-monthly care package from home nonwithstanding, if I want something, I generally have to make it myself, a fact complicated by the fact that our oven is basically just a broiler (grill) at this point, despite our repeated requests for the landlord to come and fix it for the past FIVE MONTHS! (Sorry, a bit of a sore spot). Thus, this blog will sometimes feature my attempts to recreate favourite American treats, which will probably revolve mainly around sweets and breakfast items (cookies seem to bake better than most things in the faulty oven). However, it will also deal with adjusting to a new environment, and trying to successfully combine elements of American and British culture (I feel rather as though I've been thrust into the thick of things, as my boyfriend and housemates are all English, thus I have my many "idiosyncracies" pointed out to me on a daily basis). And lastly, it will be something to kill time, now that I'm done with classes and am just supposed to be writing my dissertation, which gives me far too much free time, as I am the world's worst procrastinator and probably won't start it until a week or two before it's due, and my efforts to find a part-time job have been unsuccessful. So, sorry for this long explanatory initial post, I hope that my future efforts will be far more succinct and enjoyable.